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Descarga The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives on Performances (Interdisziplinaere Studien zur Musik / Interdisciplinary Studies of Music) de Taina Riikonen,Marjaana Virtanen Libro PDF

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The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives on Performances (Interdisziplinaere Studien zur Musik / Interdisciplinary Studies of Music) de Taina Riikonen,Marjaana Virtanen

Descripción - Reseña del editor Performance is a forum for social action, embodied interaction and shared authority. Recently, as the various acts and agencies surrounding a performance have become the target of scholarly interest, the complex split between theory and practice has been challenged, as has the idea of a singular, disembodied authorial ownership of the socio-material meanings surrounding performance. The Embodiment of Authority approaches performance, issues of authority and negotiated knowledge production through multi-material research data and interdisciplinary methods. The book discusses the relationship between authorial questions and performances via the following topics: shared authorities, ontologies of art work, diverse roles of rehearsals in the performance process, and embodied knowledge. Biografía del autor Taina Riikonen, PhD, is a sound explorer who works at the intersection of sound arts and research. Her interests include tactile recording, body sounds, machine noises and the issues surrounding performance, performativity, bodies and site-specific arts. Marjaana Virtanen, PhD, is a researcher at the University of Turku's Department of Musicology, in Finland. Her research interests include performance studies, performance-oriented music analysis, musical gestures and contemporary Finnish art music.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives on Performances (Interdisziplinaere Studien zur Musik / Interdisciplinary Studies of Music)
  • Autor: Taina Riikonen,Marjaana Virtanen
  • Categoria: Libros,Arte, cine y fotografía,Música
  • Tamaño del archivo: 12 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives on Performances ~ The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives on Performances (Interdisziplinaere Studien zur Musik / Interdisciplinary Studies of Music Book 7) - Kindle edition by Taina Riikonen, Marjaana Virtanen. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives on .

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The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives on Performances ~ The Embodiment of Authority: Perspectives on Performances (Interdisziplinaere Studien zur Musik / Interdisciplinary Studies of Music Book 7) eBook: Taina Riikonen, Marjaana Virtanen: .ca: Kindle Store

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